In search of a good job, we are increasingly leaving. The current situation in the labor market, unfortunately, still does not spoil. Employers, estimating profits and losses, often prefer not to take risks and create new jobs or offering solutions inadequate to the wage standard.
Thus, it is often possible to encounter part-time or quarter-time job offers, in which the employer does not additionally guarantee an employment contract. Large companies that are building their branches in large Polish cities are looking for highly specialized staff with already formed skills or university graduates who speak a foreign language as well as their mother tongue.In contrast, small and medium-sized companies maintain a constant level of employment or even reduce it.

In the current situation, therefore, it is necessary to answer the fundamental question of where to look for a job and where we can count on getting one. Labor offices are often not very helpful in this regard, offering standard job search training. Unfortunately, employers are reluctant to advertise through these entities. Of course, you should start your job search through online job listings, but in view of the stagnant job market, this can prove troublesome.
But how about abroad?
Temporary and permanent employment agencies, compared to labor offices, have a larger database of job offers, plus they can directly negotiate with the employer to hire workers. Foreign offers offered by these agencies in particular are very popular. These are usually temporary offers to earn a high income among Western European countries. Such a foreign employment agency posts only legal and reliable offers to ensure that it and its clients are guaranteed the services provided.
Read also: jobs for couples abroad

The most common direction in the orbit of interest of Poles in terms of work remains Germany. After joining the EU, legal work in Germany is no longer a problem, and the rates for such work are incomparably higher than in Poland. And this is despite the fact that the duties of the position are often identical to those of a similar position in Poland. Construction work for men and elderly care for women remain among the most popular jobs in Germany, but Poles are also beginning to play their part in higher positions. Just as the number of Poles working abroad is increasing, so is the number of workers seeking credit for those working abroad.