Human character traits – positive and negative

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Louise Barnett
Louise Barnett
I'm Louise Barnett, the editor at, where my days are filled with the exploration of myriad subjects that pique my curiosity and feed my ever-growing appetite for knowledge. From the latest in laser cutting technology to the timeless wisdom of yoga and meditation, my work allows me to dive deep into topics that not only fascinate me but also have the potential to improve our daily lives. I have a particular interest in how ancient practices meet modern life, leading me to explore everything from Ayurveda to minimalism and beyond. My journey has taught me the importance of balance—between innovation and tradition, action and reflection, and between the digital and the natural world. Each article I publish is a step towards understanding this balance better, hoping to inspire others along the way.

Character is a set of mental traits that shape our personality and determine our reactions to various situations. Let’s learn about the most important character traits that affect our daily lives.

Basic character traits

A person’s character is a complex set of traits that shape his behavior, thoughts and emotions in various situations. These traits are the result of both innate predispositions and life experiences. Here is a more detailed discussion of selected character traits:


Assertiveness is the ability to express one’s own thoughts, feelings and needs in a way that is clear, direct and respectful of the rights of others. Assertive people are able to set boundaries, say “no” without feeling guilty, and defend their rights in a constructive way. Assertiveness is the key to healthy interpersonal relationships, as it allows communication based on mutual respect.

Selflessness (altruism)

Altruism is the attitude of helping others without expecting benefits in return. Altruistic people act from moral motives, wanting to bring good to others. This character trait is the foundation of many social activities, such as volunteering and philanthropy.


Accuracy is a character trait involving attention to detail, consistency in action and diligence in completing tasks. Accurate people are often perfectionists who strive to achieve the best possible result in their work. This trait is extremely valuable in professions that require precision, such as engineering or medicine.


Empathy is the ability to empathize with other people’s feelings and emotions and understand their point of view. Empathic people are able to listen attentively, show support and respond to the needs of others. Empathy is the key to building deep and authentic relationships with other people.

All of these character traits have a huge impact on our daily lives, our relationships with other people and the decisions we make. Developing these traits can bring many benefits in both our personal and professional lives.

Character traits from A to Z

A person’s character consists of a wide variety of traits that shape his behavior and actions in different situations. These traits can be divided into positive and negative, although it’s worth remembering that many of them can have both depending on the context. Here is a list of character traits from A to Z:

Positive traits:

  • Discipline – the ability to follow established rules and norms, consistency in action.
  • Enthusiasm – a positive approach to life, joy and enthusiasm in undertaking various activities.
  • Flexibility – the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Dignity – acting with respect for oneself and others, regardless of the situation or circumstances.
  • Honorability – adherence to moral principles, honesty with oneself and others.
  • Initiative – the ability to take action independently, without waiting for orders.
  • Clarity of thought – the ability to think logically and draw conclusions.
  • Creativity – the ability to create new ideas and solutions.
  • Loyalty – loyalty to others, constancy in feelings and attitudes.
  • Wisdom – the ability to make the right decisions based on experience and knowledge.

Negative traits

  • Depressiveness – a tendency to be depressed, lacking energy and pessimistic about life.
  • Egoism – a focus on one’s own needs at the expense of others.
  • Fatalism – the belief that one has no control over one’s own life and everything is a foregone conclusion.
  • Anger – a tendency to strong negative emotions and aggressive reactions.
  • Hamletism – indecisiveness, perpetual hesitation to make decisions, which often leads to avoidance of responsibility.
  • Impulsiveness – acting without thinking, under the influence of the moment.
  • Criticism – a tendency to point out the mistakes and faults of others.
  • Disregard – disrespecting others, belittling their feelings and needs.
  • Manipulation – using others for one’s own benefit, often in a dishonest manner.

Character vs. personality

Although the terms “character” and “personality” are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Personality is the set of traits that make us unique, while character refers to our moral values and attitudes. Personality is more related to how we perceive the world and how we react to different situations, while character refers to our inner values and beliefs that guide our actions.

Personality is shaped by many factors, such as genetics, upbringing, life experiences and culture. Character, on the other hand, is more related to our moral and ethical choices. It can be said that personality is “who we are,” while character is “how we behave.”

Character vs. personality
Character vs. personality / canva

4 types of temperaments: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Temperament is an innate way of responding to external stimuli. There are four main types of temperaments, which have their roots in the ancient humoral theory of Hippocrates:

  • Choleric – an energetic person who reacts quickly to stimuli and is often impulsive. Cholerics are passionate, ambitious and can be leaders in a group. However, their impulsiveness can lead to conflicts with others.
  • Sanguinarian – Optimistic, sociable, full of life and energy. Sanguinarians are the heart of any party, they make friends easily and have many friends. However, they can be inconsistent in their actions and decisions.
  • Melancholic – sensitive, prone to reflection, often pessimistic about the world. Melancholics are deeply emotional, loyal and faithful, but can also be shy and withdrawn.
  • Phlegmatic – Calm, balanced, difficult to upset. Phlegmatics are emotionally stable, reliable and responsible. However, they may be perceived as indifferent or unenthusiastic.

It is important to remember that each of us has elements of all four temperaments, but one of them dominates and directs our behavior. Understanding your own temperament can help you better understand yourself and others, which leads to better interpersonal relationships.

The impact of character traits on professional life

Character traits have a major impact on our professional lives. Assertive people are often successful in teamwork, while empathetic people excel in professions that involve helping others, such as psychology or medicine. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how our character traits affect our careers.

Self-discipline and determination are the keys to success in many fields, especially those that require long-term effort and consistency in action. People with these traits often succeed in sports, science or business, where it is necessary to systematically pursue a goal.

Creativity is invaluable in artistic professions, such as painting, music or literature. Creative people are able to look at the world in a different way, which allows them to create unique works of art or solve problems in unusual ways.

Organizational skills are a necessary trait for managers, project coordinators or people who run their own businesses. It allows them to effectively manage resources, plan activities and control their implementation.

Empathy, as mentioned earlier, is crucial in professions related to helping others. Doctors, psychologists or social workers need to be able to understand the needs and feelings of others in order to help them effectively.

Assertiveness is important in teamwork, but also in negotiation or sales. Assertive people are able to express their opinions and defend their reasons without violating the rights of others.

However, it is worth remembering that each profession requires a combination of different personality traits. It is worth knowing one’s personality type to get a better idea of oneself and one’s potential career path. Even if one has a natural predisposition for a particular profession, constantly improving one’s skills and developing other character traits can help one achieve even greater professional success.

Character traits – summary

Character is a set of mental traits that shape our personality. It influences our daily behavior, decisions and relationships with other people. Learning about your own character traits can help you better understand yourself and others, as well as make the right decisions in life.

Character traits – frequently asked questions

What are character traits?

Character traits are permanent and stable qualities of an individual that determine the way he thinks, feels and behaves in different situations.

What are good traits?

Good traits are those that are perceived as positive and valuable in a given culture or community, such as honesty, courage or empathy.

What are nice character traits?

Nice character traits are those that make a person pleasant to be around, such as kindness, warmth or a sense of humor.

How many personality traits are there?

There are many theories of personality, and each of them distinguishes a different number of traits. However, the popular “Big Five” theory distinguishes five key personality traits.

What are the 4 personality types?

The four basic personality types are: choleric (energetic, impulsive), sanguine (optimistic, sociable), melancholic (sensitive, reflective) and phlegmatic (calm, balanced).

What are positive character traits?

Positive character traits are those that are perceived as beneficial and valuable, such as honesty, loyalty, courage or empathy.

Negative character traits

Negative character traits are those that can lead to conflicts or problems in relationships with others, such as selfishness, jealousy or manipulativeness.

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