Louise Barnett

Lace for a wedding – is it appropriate to wear it?

Are you going to the wedding of a loved one and looking for the right dress for the wedding? The choice of cuts, styles...

Hedonism – what is it? Definition, philosophy, examples

Hedonism, is a direction based on the pursuit of pleasure. It relies on a comfortable lifestyle to lead a person to be happy. Its...

Paper – a material more valuable than gold?

The role of paper cannot be overestimated. Although today we increasingly use books, newspapers and other materials in digitized form, life without paper is...

Growing peppers under cover

Peppers are a thermophilic vegetable that requires high temperatures to develop properly. For seed germination, the optimal temperature will be between 24-27°C, for daytime...

The most beautiful annual flowering vines for the garden

Despite the fact that annual vines are not as often planted in the garden as perennial ones, they are an extremely impressive decoration of...

Sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings in the garden

Growing vegetables from seedlings does not require specialized knowledge, but it is certainly labor-intensive. Anyone can sow seeds in his garden, from which vegetables...

Low frequencies in the room – how to deal with them

The presence of low-frequency sounds accompanies us in many aspects of daily life. The occurrence of any sound within 20 Hz has a negative...

The power of beauty in the fight against disease part 2.

A project by the More Beautiful Life Foundation and CotyThe Foundation for a More Beautiful Life and Coty, which helps women undergoing cancer treatment,...

The power of beauty in the fight against disease

A project by the More Beautiful Life Foundation and CotyThe Foundation for a More Beautiful Life, which helps women undergoing cancer treatment, and Coty,...

What are the benefits of using a sauna?

The sauna has been around for hundreds of years, and a visit to the sauna not only relaxes, relaxes and positively affects the appearance...

Remote working, what it is and what exactly it consists of

The term "remote work", or telework, refers to a form of work outside the headquarters of the company or business to which one provides...

Working abroad is becoming more and more fashionable

In search of a good job, we are increasingly leaving. The current situation in the labor market, unfortunately, still does not spoil. Employers, estimating...

How to prevent job loss?

Imagine that after years of impeccable work you are punished. Soon your employer reduces your salary because of the penalty. In bitterness you go...

What is occupational risk and how it is assessed

Occupational risk is considered the probability of the occurrence of any undesirable events that are directly related to the occupation and work, with particular...

How to start meditating? 4 techniques for beginners

Keep your expectations in checkIf you didn't think meditation could lead to better well-being, you probably wouldn't meditate. Be careful what you expect!Of course,...

Industrial furniture, or an idea for an unusual arrangement of the apartment

The industrial style, which was born as a result of the recession and the collapse of many factories in the last century in the...

For a weekend in Georgia, or trekking in the Caucasus Mountains

The Caucasus is magnificent and fascinating, far and near, it has a rich history but also a lively geopolitical situation. All this makes us...

What to do on the island of Siquijor? 5 ideas

Siquijor is a small island in the Philippinesac located south of Cebu in the Sulu Sea. And while it has infrastructure to support tourism,...

How to improve your health at work? 8 tips

Eight hours in a chair in front of a computer, five days a week can have a very negative effect on your body. Today...

Viking cuisine, or the flavors of Scandinavia

Northern countries are usually associated with simple cuisine - raw dishes consisting mainly of fish, laced with fatty side dishes. In the 21st century,...

Tasty and healthy, or homemade dumplings with spinach

A common delicacy. However, few people can season spinach in such a way that dumplings are tasty. Below is a proven way to make...

Sedentary work? Take care of your spine!

A flurry of daily chores causes us to forget what is most important. Often we realize that we have actually provided our body with...

Check out how to actively spend your time in the Canary Islands!

Climate, landscape, terrain, wind - the Canary Islands have all these elements in the shape and conditions ideal for extreme sports. With hot summers...

Affordable vacation in Europe, or vacation in Bulgaria

Sveti Vlas is an ideal vacation destination in Bulgaria. Situated in the eastern part of the Stara Planina mountain range, in close proximity to...

Types of teas – discover new flavors!

Polish women still drink mainly black tea, yet we have many color teas on the market, which deserve attention not only for their original...

About Me

I'm Louise Barnett, the editor at Yogamag.info, where my days are filled with the exploration of myriad subjects that pique my curiosity and feed my ever-growing appetite for knowledge. From the latest in laser cutting technology to the timeless wisdom of yoga and meditation, my work allows me to dive deep into topics that not only fascinate me but also have the potential to improve our daily lives. I have a particular interest in how ancient practices meet modern life, leading me to explore everything from Ayurveda to minimalism and beyond. My journey has taught me the importance of balance—between innovation and tradition, action and reflection, and between the digital and the natural world. Each article I publish is a step towards understanding this balance better, hoping to inspire others along the way.
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