November in the garden – what work is worth doing during this period?

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Louise Barnett
Louise Barnett
I'm Louise Barnett, the editor at, where my days are filled with the exploration of myriad subjects that pique my curiosity and feed my ever-growing appetite for knowledge. From the latest in laser cutting technology to the timeless wisdom of yoga and meditation, my work allows me to dive deep into topics that not only fascinate me but also have the potential to improve our daily lives. I have a particular interest in how ancient practices meet modern life, leading me to explore everything from Ayurveda to minimalism and beyond. My journey has taught me the importance of balance—between innovation and tradition, action and reflection, and between the digital and the natural world. Each article I publish is a step towards understanding this balance better, hoping to inspire others along the way.

November is probably the last month in which we should not expect a big frost. This is the time to clean up the garden and take care of the plants growing in it. What maintenance activities are worth carrying out during this period? What should you pay special attention to so that all plants take off quickly in the spring?

Let’s prepare plants for winter

Some of the ornamental plants that grow in our garden require special preparation before winter. If you have plants in it that are not very resistant to frost, it is worth lining them with pine bark, needles or sawdust. Cover cold-green shrubs with straw mats or twigs of coniferous plants. November is the ideal time to do this type of work, but the temperature should be constantly monitored, treatments of this type can be safely postponed when November turns out to be a relatively warm and frost-free month.

Ornamental grasses such as miscanthus or rosemary can be firmly tied with twine during this period. This will allow them to better survive the winter and protect their roots from frost. Remember that this is not a good time to prune them, the right time for this procedure will be spring.

Inspection of fruit trees and shrubs

Before winter, it is a good idea to carefully inspect fruit trees. November is a good time to make the last sprays for fungal diseases. It will give the plants a better start in the spring. It is worth inspecting the trees and checking for pest nests. If you find any, it is worth removing them.

Keep in mind that leaving untrimmed leaves under fruit trees can cause secondary infections the following year. So we need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Any spraying done during this period should be done in windless weather, during the day, when the temperature does not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

Do not forget to water

Many people stop watering plants in the garden as soon as the hot weather period is over. More rainfall in September makes us completely forget that the plants in our garden, despite the fact that they no longer grow intensively, are still alive. Providing the right amount of moisture is the basis needed for their survival in good shape.

This applies to the lawn, fruit plants, as well as ornamental ones. A common cause of their winter death is precisely the lack of water. So it is worthwhile before the onset of winter to water the plants solidly. Of course, we do not have to do this in case November turns out to be an exceptionally wet month, and sometimes it happens after all.

Remember that November is the last time to get rid of water from automatic irrigation systems. If you have one, you should use a compressor to blow out the lingering water from inside it, which, as a result of frost, can burst the entire installation.

We do not forget about cleaning!

November is the time when the last leaves fall from the trees. Lying on the lawn, they will cause its gradual rotting. This is the last moment to get rid of leaves from the garden. What can be done to quickly solve this problem? We can, of course, rake the leaves with a rake, this is probably the most popular way to get rid of withered leaves from the garden. However, we can successfully do this with a lawnmower on wheels, which is excellent for vacuuming leaves. With help, of course, can come dedicated solutions such as petrol blowers, with which we can easily sweep leaves and small branches from trees.

Remember that organic waste cannot be burned. The only way to get rid of them is to pack them in biodegradable waste bags or compost them on your own plot.

Author of the article
Publication of the article in cooperation with Target – a leading manufacturer of garden care products.
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