Pansexualism – what is it? What are its characteristics?

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Louise Barnett
Louise Barnett
I'm Louise Barnett, the editor at, where my days are filled with the exploration of myriad subjects that pique my curiosity and feed my ever-growing appetite for knowledge. From the latest in laser cutting technology to the timeless wisdom of yoga and meditation, my work allows me to dive deep into topics that not only fascinate me but also have the potential to improve our daily lives. I have a particular interest in how ancient practices meet modern life, leading me to explore everything from Ayurveda to minimalism and beyond. My journey has taught me the importance of balance—between innovation and tradition, action and reflection, and between the digital and the natural world. Each article I publish is a step towards understanding this balance better, hoping to inspire others along the way.

Modern society is increasingly open to a diversity of sexual orientations. One term that comes up in this context is pansexualism. But what exactly is it and what are its characteristics?

Pansexualism – definition and origin of the term

Pansexualism, also known as omnisexuality, is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexual, romantic or emotional attraction to people regardless of their biological sex or gender identity. The term “pansexualism” comes from a combination of the Greek word “pan,” meaning “all,” and the Latin “sexus,” meaning “sex.”

Differences between pansexualism and other orientations

Pansexualism, although it is often confused with bisexuality, has its own unique characteristics that set it apart from other sexual orientations. To understand these differences, it is worth taking a closer look at the definitions of both terms and other orientations.

Pansexualism vs. Bisexuality: Bisexuality refers to the attraction to two sexes – male and female. Bisexuals may feel attracted to both sexes to varying degrees. Pansexualism, on the other hand, is more all-encompassing – pansexuals feel attracted to people regardless of their biological sex or gender identity. For a pansexual, it is the emotional connection and personality of the partner that is key, not their gender or gender identity.

Pansexualism vs. Omnisexualism: Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, some believe that omnisexualism refers to attraction to all genders but with their differences, while pansexualism is “blind” to gender.

Pansexualvs. Queer: The term “queer” is more general and can refer to any person who does not identify with traditional heterosexual orientations. Pansexualism is one of many ways to identify within this broad category.

It is also important to understand that each person is different and may identify with different labels at different times in their lives. For some, the term “pansexualism” is most appropriate, while others may prefer “bisexual” or “queer.” Regardless of the label, the most important thing is to respect each person’s identity and choices.

Who is a pansexual?

A pansexual is a person who identifies with a sexual orientation in which the sex or gender identity of the partner is not the main criterion of attraction. This means that a pansexual can feel attracted to a person regardless of whether that person is male, female, non-binary or any other gender identity.

Many people confuse pansexuality with bisexuality, but while both orientations refer to the ability to feel attracted to more than one gender, pansexuality is more comprehensive. For a pansexual, the biological sex, gender identity or gender expression of the person to whom he feels attracted is not important. What is crucial for him is the emotional, spiritual and intellectual connection.

Modern society is becoming increasingly aware of the diversity of sexual orientations, but there are still many people who do not understand what exactly pansexualism is. For many pansexuals, it is important to surround themselves with people who accept them as they are, and understand that love and attraction are not limited by gender categories.

It’s also worth noting that pansexualism is not a “fad” or “trend.” It’s a deeply rooted part of many people’s identity that has existed for centuries, although the term “pansexualism” is relatively new. For many pansexuals, the discovery of this identity was an important moment in their lives, allowing them to more fully understand themselves and their feelings.

The pansexual flag and its meaning

The pansexual flag consists of three horizontal stripes: pink, yellow and blue. Pink represents the attraction to women, yellow to non-binary people, and blue to men. It is a symbol of acceptance and pride in one’s sexual orientation.

Pansexual flag
Pansexual flag and its meaning / canva

Contemporary view of pansexualism

As society becomes more globalized and diverse, the topic of sexual orientations, including pansexualism, is becoming more relevant. The modern view of pansexualism is much more accepting than in the past, but there are still challenges that people who identify with this orientation must face.

Education and Awareness: Many people do not understand exactly what pansexualism is, leading to many myths and misunderstandings. Education is the key to understanding and accepting pansexualism. Many schools and community organizations are introducing educational programs aimed at raising awareness of the diversity of sexual orientations.

Media and Representation: Pansexual representation in the media is still inadequate, but growing. Pansexual characters appear in movies, TV series and literature, which helps demystify the orientation and show it in a more realistic light.

Societal challenges: Despite progress in the acceptance of pansexualism, many people still face discrimination and prejudice. Some people consider pansexualism a “phase” or “experiment,” which can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of alienation among pansexuals.

Activism and community: pansexual communities around the world come together to support each other and fight for their rights. Organizations and activist groups are working to promote acceptance and understanding of pansexualism in society.

In conclusion, while society has become more accepting of pansexualism, there is still much work to be done in terms of education and understanding. It is important to continue the dialogue and move toward full acceptance and understanding of all sexual orientations.


Pansexualism is a sexual orientation in which gender or gender identity does not play a key role in feeling attracted to others. Pansexual people can feel attracted to people regardless of their biological sex or gender identity. Modern society is becoming more open to a diversity of sexual orientations, but there is still a need to educate and promote acceptance in this area.

Pansexualism – frequently asked questions

What does it mean that someone is Pansexual?

Someone who is pansexual feels sexually, romantically or emotionally attracted to people regardless of their gender or gender identity.

What is the difference between a bisexual person and a Pansexual person?

A bisexual person feels attracted to two genders – male and female, while a pansexual person feels attracted to people regardless of gender.

What is a pansexual orientation?

Pansexual orientation refers to the ability to feel attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender identity.

Am I pansexual?

Only you can decide and identify your sexual orientation. If you have doubts, it’s a good idea to talk to a counselor or therapist.

What is Omnisexual?

Omnisexual is an orientation in which a person feels attracted to all genders, but with respect to their differences.

What is Demi?

“Demi” refers to demisexuality, where a person feels sexual attraction only when they make a strong emotional connection with someone.

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